
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning Quiz Questions - Battles III
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning

Who was the last ruler under the House of York ?


Edward III
Edward IV
Richard III
Edward V

Which King was established after the War of the Roses ?


Henry VII
Henry V
Henry VIII
Henry VI

Which Royal House was establshed as a result of the War of the Roses ?



The House of Stuart was restored in 1660 with the accession of ?


James I
Charles I
James II
Charles II

The War of the Roses was battle between which Royal Houses ?


Lancaster & York
Stuart & Tudor
York & Stuart
Lancaster & Tudor

The English Civil War saw which English King beheaded ?


James I
Charles I
James II
Charles II

The Thirty Years War 1618-1648 was primarily a


French/German conflict
German/Austrian conflict
Russian/German conflict
French/Spanish conflict

In 1642 the English Civil War begun & lasted for how long?


14 years
1 year
21 years
7 years

In 1644 Oliver Cromwell defeated the Royalists at which site which saw the largest Civil War battle


Marston Moor
Bosworth Field
Culloden Moor

The final Battle in the War of the Roses was at ?


Culloden Moor
Bosworth Field

Discerningly Versed www.dniv.com 2012